71.Where can i see the status of my "means of production” ? Go to your management page , stock section, there you will find listed the status of your mean of production. Keep in mind they won’t last forever but theyr life span can be
improved by using better quality mean of production.
72.How do i sell a means of production ? A mean of production can’t be sold or changed. To replace the one you have you must wait until it ends it’s production cycle.
75.How do we define stocks ? Stockholdings owned by virtual companies within the game are very much like the ones in real life. They represent possession with the right to transfer possession to
others, they also entitle their owner to receive profits fom the company .
76.How do i buy stocks ? Go to financial market / stockholdings , there you will find listed for sale all available stocks. To buy stocks fill in the quantity and click the buy button.
1.What is Anno1777? Anno1777 is an online game that can be played from a browser like internet explorer without the need of any additonal downloads.In Anno1777 you are a citizen from the
17-th century who fights to go up on the social ladder. Unlike any other games of this type in anno you can exchange virtual currency for real money or the other way around.
2.How do i open an account ? Open your browser go to anno1777 home page and press the Open account tab. Carefully fill in all the require data and in less then 1 minute your account will be
3.Why am i asked to give out my phone number ? Every game of this type imposes certain conditions , in anno you are only allowed to have one account, but since rules are made to be broken , to avoid multi – accounts
we require phone account activation by sending an sms.
4.How do i verify my phone number ? When you’ll try to create your account in anno , certain fields will be required like your mobile phone number, fill in the number and press OK , in approximately 1 minute you
will receive an sms with a code. In the same page , fill in the received code and the account wil be activated and you’ll be able to play the game.
5.Why am i asked to give out my phone number ? Every game of this type imposes certain conditions , in anno you are only allowed to have one account, but since rules are made to be broken , to avoid multi – accounts
we require phone account activation by
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So ..you want to become a politician , well ..why not , i'll teach you all you need to know.
The world of Anno1777 is divided in countries governed by players who
become governers by vote.Each month (on 1,2,3,4 th) in every country
elections are organized. To run for office you will need to pay a 5 gold
fee and fill in a form , you can do that by selecting the Presidency
& Government page link wich will become active during the
As soon as the application is sent , people will be able to review it
and if they choose to even vote for you. This application will be a
mirror in wich other people can see who you are and what you are trying
to do for them so make it convincing. Another way to ensure your succes
is by using all media tools available , that includes advertising your
political campaign in the local newspapers or buying ads in the game.
The winners are decided by the number of votes each candidate
receives.The player with the most votes will become president , the rest
of the 18 candidates will become governors. If there is a tie score for
the last two candidates the system will decide who gets to be governer
by comparing their wellness, the one with the most wellness will win.
Once you become governor you will have acces to a special interface , to
acces that interface click on the link placed on the lower side of each
page called "Government” .
There you will be able to review any laws that you wish to
promote/propose. Keep in mind that for a law to pass the voting procces,
it needs to be voted by at least 5 governors and to have more people
voting in favour of the law then against it. To promote laws go to the
Government page link / pass laws section, there you will find listed all
the laws you can propose. Laws can only be voted by governors or by
the elected president , the president vote will count as 5 governor
votes. Each promoted law will be under scrutiny... Read more »
Welcome to the dirty world of politics. You thought things suck only
in the real world ? You probably havn’t been playing anno for too
long.If you plan on becoming a politician, you’ve come to the right
place. This tutorial will bring you a few steps closer you your goal.
To run for the office you will have to have a full profile and pay a 5 gold tax as signup for the elections.
First we want people to know who we are.
How can we do that ?
Media – People read newspapers everyday, your
face in an article and a powerfull message can bring you a few votes
when the time comes. Give as many interviews . During your media
campaign use one short sentence , like obama used "CHANGE” , or "NO
TAXES” people seem to like that stuff.
It’s election day – Start sending messages to as
many players you can, be brief, no one reads more then 3 lines and don’t
spam or they’ll get mad and won’t vote for you, Just present yourself
and what you’ll wanna do once you get elected.
When all this fails you can always buy
your way into the office. You’ll be surprised how many people will offer
you their vote for 1 gold piece. If you choose this method though
expect your name to be tarnished forever in the game , the opposition
will always remember you how you got elected and why you shouldn’t be in
the government. But hey ….you did got elected so it’s up to you to
decide wich end justifies the means.
What can you do as a govenor ?
Main role of a governor is to pass laws , there are 19 seats including
the president wich has 6 votes , the governor only has 1 vote.
Propose a law to grant high bonuses and lower taxes and people will
cheer for you. Be carefull though they will quickly forget all your
"good deeds” if the budget runs dry.
The budget is fueled with all 3 types of currency euro, gold and usd ,
the bonuses are always paid in local currency so if you have gold or
euro in the budget you will sell it on the financial market , you can
do that as a governor.... Read more »
Who says i'm homeless, just so you know i have my own den.
You have finally decided that being homeless is not very pleasant or
maybe you wish to start your own real estate bussiness. Houses will
always be need it in the world of Anno1777, they wil always be
sold/bought or rented , being able to reside in a house can provide you
with great wellness and we all know what wellness means – more income .
Before you learn how to sell/buy/rent a house there’s a few things you need to know :
A house is not degradable wich means it will last you forever
You can’t rent a house in another region
You need to reside in the house to receive your wellness bonus
The bonus from a house is not applied to your wellnes instantly but throughout a day’s period.
You can’t live in two houses at the same time
Depending on their quality, houses can provide the following wellness bonuses :
1 star - 5 points of wellness
2 stars – 10 points of wellness
3 stars – 15 points of wellness
4 stars – 20 points of wellness
5 stars – 25 of wellness
To buy a house go to the Real Estate market tab and select the buy
house section,once there you will find listed all available houses in
your region and their price you can use the star rating system to select
the quality of the house you wish to buy , once you’ve decided click
the buy button you can buy as many houses as you want , people usually
buy more houses to rent them.
Oh...it's you again , let me guess you want to make coins .....nothing wrong with that as long as you stay away from what's mine.
In Anno1777 the financial market is a mechanism that allows people to
buy and sell financial securities (such as stocks and bonds) open bank
accounts or exchange currency on the currency exchange market. With a
very competitive market economy it allows many interested buyers and
sellers to meet in one "place”, thus making it easier for them to find
each other and trade their "goods”.
The capital market in anno consists of :
Currency exchange market – it allows people to exchange different
types of currency (EURO/GOLD or Local Currency) wich means a party
purchases a quantity of one currency by paying a quantity of another
currency To exchange any type of currency go to Financial Market tab in
the main menu and select the currency exchange section.
Banks – allow people to take loans to open current accounts or to
make deposits, you can find the bank section by going to the financial
marekt tab in the main menu and selecting Banks , there you will find
three tabs loans , accounts and deposits.
Stock market – The securities traded on the stock exchange market
section are shares wich may or may not provide income to their
owners.Finding out wich shares are worth buying may prove essential if
you plan on becoming a stock exchange broker. To find the Stock exchange
market section go to Financial Market tab in the main menu and select
"Shares” tab , there you will find listed all available shares for sale
and details like current owner , number of current stocks for sale and
the price/1share .To buy shares you need to fill in the quantity you
wish to aquire and press the buy button.Share prices tend to rise or
remain stable when companies and the economy in general show signs of
stability and growth.
Bonds market – Bonds are financial titles issued by the
governments. With these bonds a government basically loans money from
players. You will receive interests when owning a bond , bonds are
guaranteed by the system. Bonds are issued in gold or local c
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Oy this is my gold , if you want your own coins start reading , who knows maybe you'll get lucky too.
What is the Financial Market ?
Probably the place where you’ll make most of your money , if you’re smart, fast and lucky. "Buying low and selling high” can make you a lot of euros in just a few seconds , will you be fast enough to buy before everyone else when the exchange rate drops ?
Let’s say you’re a resident of USA , obviously your local currency wil be the USD. Before we advance with our tutorial you must understand that on the financial market we can work with 3 types of currency :
Local Currency ( in our case the US dollar)
EURO – It’s a global market so it’s behaviour will be influenced by every citizen of every country that buys or sells EUROS.
GOLD – Is the second currency in anno. If you decide to keep your cash in gold you can speculate on the euro market , by buying everytime someone sells and selling back when the exchange rate rises. People usually sell or buy 2 or 3 euro so there’s not much room for bigger gains.
LOCAL CURRENCY – This is probably the most speculated market in the game, it can bring huge gains (like 100 euro in just a few seconds). Imagine someone selling 1000 gold units on the market the local currency will fall to 3 maybe 4 USD/1 gold . Buying USD at 4 units/1 gold and selling it at 20 USD/1 gold can bring you a considerable gain.
Just in case you're not fast enough, and you realise you just bought at 24 instead of 4 usd/1 gold, sell them back quickly and you will only lose a few "coins”.
Another thing you should keep in mind is that usually countries have a tax of 1% , wich means everytime you buy or sell something on the financial marke
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What do you mean..none knows you ?...ooh i see...let's fix that shall we ?
The world of Anno1777 is very socialy interactive , the more people
get to know who you are , the more advantages you will have. Why would i
want people to know me ? you may ask, well let’s say you plan on
becoming a politician , you will need to be famous so you can get your
votes , none votes for people they don’t know , or maybe you plan to
open your own magazine and create a brand with your name , you will want
people to buy your article and vote for you , you will acheive all this
if people KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
What kind of publicity can i buy within the game ?
There are 3 types of publicity you can buy:
Ads on the site
Commercials in newspapers
Ads on site
If you want to buy ads in the game you will need to create your own
commercial , to do that go to Advertisment/ My Spots/New Ad. You will
need to fill in the title, the description, the link and upload an image
for your commercial. When you fill in the link dialogue of your
comercial keep in mind that any outside links are strictly forbidden.
I finished creating my commercial what do i do now ?
Now you need to place your commercial on the ad section of the game.
To do that you will need to buy a spot go to Advertisment , fill in the
form and press OK . The form must contain the ad you wish to run , the
number of clicks , price/click offered and the countries where your
commercial will be displayed.Your commercial will be listed exclusively
by the price/click offered.Clicks are taken into account only if the
player hasn’t clicked your commercial in the last 24 hours. If a player
clicks ten times on your commercial you wil only pay for 1 click.The
price you will offer/click will determine if your ad will be listed
first , last or even not at all. To assess your price go to
Advertisement/Ads/Active Ads , there you will find the
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I'll teach you 'bout fighting you just keep that mead comin'
In Anno1777 a player can wear/use attack weapons and defensive armour. Each comes in 10 different types .
- Attack weapons type :dagger,mace,sword,spear,flail,axe,bows and arrows,crossbow,gun and rifle.
- Defensive armours type :chainmail shirt , elbow guards, shield ,
leg armour, arm guards , helmet , gauntlets , breastplate,paulders and
Each weapon/armour comes with 5 different degrees of quality rated
with stars, this means with each star, weapons/armours have better
durability and will give you more attack/defence points.
Example :- 1 star dagger can be used in 10 fights and will give you 100 attack points
5 star dagger can be used in 50 fights and will give you 500 attack points.
Weapons have a Total Attack bonus and armours have a Total Defence bonus .
Attack Points
Each weapon you have in your inventory will give you bonus attack
points ,depending on their quality the sum of these points will be your
Attack Points.
Total atack points
Based on your Attack Points and your Wellness the Total Attack is
determined. The formula is TA = AP% W where TA – total attack, AP-attack
points, W-wellness.
Example – if you have 60 % wellness and 3 weapons in your inventory
each with 100 attack points, your total attack points will be 300 / 60%
meaning your total attack points will be 180.
Defence Points
Each armour you have in your inventory will give you bonus defence
points ,depending on their quality the sum of these points will be your
Defense Points.
This is the good stuff so don't forget to pick up your BONUS
Bonuses are incentives granted by the elected government to players
when they meet certain requirements.Bonuses are paid from the budget.The
two key elements of a budget are revenues and expenses ; revenues are
derived primarily from taxes . When expenses exceed a budget revenues ,
the governement goes broke, this means that bonuses will no longer be
paid until the budget is stabilized. Bonuses in the game are mostly
related to players activities , attack bonus , or work bonus for
example ensure that players are paid for their activities , if these
bonuses were to seize being paid players will no longer be encouraged to
attack or work, therefore the economy will be affected and the
consumption of goods will fall ,basically that country will freeze. You
can understand now why is extremely important for a government in
Anno1777 to maintain a balance between revenues and expenses.
There are 5 types of bonuses in Anno1777
1. Attack bonus – every time a player wins a fight he receives a bonus , according to it’s wellness.
Example : if the attack bonus granted by the government in USA is 2 USD
and our attacker has 50% wellness he will receive 1 USD for his
successfull attack.This bonus is paid instantly by the budget everytime a
player succeeds attacking a target.
2.Direct slave bonus ( Slaves owner bonus) – for every direct slave
you own the budget pays you a bonus according to your wellness , direct
slaves can be aquired by means of attack or by aquisition from the Slave
market. You can collect this bonus once every 24 hours by going to the
Bonuses tab in the main menu.
3.Referrer Bonus – for every permanent slave you own the budget pays
you a bonus according to your wellness. Permanent slaves are aquired
when a player enlists in the game through your refferal link or they can
be purchased from the Slave Market/ Permanent slaves section.This bonus
can also be collected only once every 24 hours.
4.Complete profile bonus – You are entitled to this bonus if your
profile/pics is/are fully updated and approved by the government of your
country.You can collect this bonus once every 24 hours by going to the
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It’s your first day in anno and have no idea how to start making some money. You’re balance is 0
and you don’t plan on investing any money until you figure out the
game. Well then we better get to work. We can start attacking as soon as
we’ve created the account and logged in , obviously. We can do that by
going to the fight tab, a series of targets will be displayed , choose one with strength same as yours and click on the attack tab.
If you’re attack was succesfull ( and they usually are) you should have
just conquered you’re first slave and also cashed in a bonus in local
currency. Each goverment pays a bonus for every fight you win. Our new
conquered slave will be immune to attacks for a period of 20 minutes,
during this time you could/should sell him on the slave market , so you
wont lose it , wich will probably happen sooner or later.
If in your country the attack bonus is 2 USD for example you will get that bonus according to your wellness stats , if your wellnes is at 100% you will get 2 USD if it’s at 10% you’ll get 0.2 USD if it’s at 50% youll get 1 USD.Now you understand why it’s important to keep your wellness as close to 100% as possible (wich will be very difficult, but you can maintain 70% wellness within a day period ). with a full set of clothes , q5 wich means quality lvl 5 , and a rented house that can provide another 5 points ofwellnes
Since you’ ve just begun playing your wellnes is probably at 10%, so the only thing we can do in our first day is to attack and sell the slaves we conquered on the slave market. To do that we’ll go to the slave market tab
and check the prices first. They usually sell for around 0.2 gold going
up till 0.9 depending on the bonus awarded by the goverment of youre
country ( this bonus greatly influences the s
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