71.Where can i see the status of my "means of production” ?
Go to your management page , stock section, there you will find listed the status of your mean of production. Keep in mind they won’t last forever but theyr life span can be
improved by using better quality mean of production.
72.How do i sell a means of production ?
A mean of production can’t be sold or changed. To replace the one you have you must wait until it ends it’s production cycle.
73.How do i buy a means of production ?
Go to goods/machines choose the mean of production required by your company and click the buy button.
74.What are the key elements of the financial market ?
The financial market is divided into 4 sections. Local currency market, stock exchange market, banking and bonds market.
75.How do we define stocks ?
Stockholdings owned by virtual companies within the game are very much like the ones in real life. They represent possession with the right to transfer possession to
others, they also entitle their owner to receive profits fom the company .
76.How do i buy stocks ?
Go to financial market / stockholdings , there you will find listed for sale all available stocks. To buy stocks fill in the quantity and click the buy button.
77.Where can i see my stockholdings ?
Go to Financial reports $ Accountant, there you will find listed all owned stocks.
78.How do i sell my stockholdings ?
Go to Financial reports $ Accountant/, carefully fill in the quantity you wish to sell and the price then click the sell button, they will be listed for sale instantly.
79.When do i receive money for owned stocks ?
Each time a company owner withdraws money , they will automatically be divided between all the shareholders of that company according to the quantity of shares each
80.How do you define bonds ?
Bonds are financial titles issued by the governments. With these bonds a government basically loans money from players. You will receive interests when owning a bond ,
bonds are guaranteed by the system. Bonds are issued in gold or local currency and have a nominal value of 1. Each day you own a bond you will receive an interest specified by the issuing government.
81.How do i buy bonds ?
Go to Financial Market/Bonds, there you will find listed all the bonds available for sale. Carefully fill in the quantity and the price and click the buy button.
82.How do i sell bonds ?
Go to Financial reports $ Accountant/Shares and Bonds, there you will find listed all owned bonds. Fill in the quantity you wish to sell and the price and press the sell
button, they will placed for sale instantly.
83.What taxes do i pay on the exchange market (Gold/local currency market) ?
Each government can establish the taxes paid by players when using the financial market. These taxes differ form country to country, first you should check the tax you’ll
need to pay by going to Presidency & Government /Fees.
84.How many exchange markets are there ?
There two exchange markets . First one is EURO/GOLD, second one is GOLD/Local currency.
85.How do i buy or sell currency ?
Go to Financial Market , you will find two sections there : EURO/GOLD market and GOLD/ Local currency market. That’s where you will be able to exchange EURO for
GOLD or GOLD for local currency or the other way around. Fill in the amount you wish to sell or buy and click sell/buy.
86.How do i open a bank account ?
A bank account in a virtual bank imitates the same function as a real current account. You can make deposits or withdrawals whenever you like and you will receive
interest from the bank you deposited money with. To open a bank account go to Financial Market/Banks/Accounts, there you will find listed all bank offers available in your region, press the opne account
87.Where can i see my bank accounts ?
Go to Financial Reports & Accountant /Financial Assets / Accounts, there you will find listed all your bank accounts.
88.How do i make a deposit or withdrawal ?
Go to Financial Reports & Accountant /Financial Assets / Accounts , press the deposit/withdrawal button. A confirmation dialog will be displayed, fill in the amount you
wish to deposit/withdraw.
89.How do i transfer money to other players ?
The only way to transfer money to other players is by bank transfer. Go to Financial Reports & Accountant /Financial Assets / Accounts , press the transfer button . A
dialog will be displayed, carefully fill in the destination account, the amount to be transfered and your password. The transfer will occur instantly. The account must be opened in the same currency.
90.What is a deposit account (notice account) and how do i open one ?
A virtual deposit account is like a real bank account, the only difference being the money are not accesible for withdrawals until due date. After you create a deposit
account you won’t be able to acces the money deposited as long as the deposit is open. A deposit account is created by the bank for a determined period of time, the interests offered varies from bank to
91.How do i take a credit ?
To take a credit , go to Financial Market/Banks/ Credits, there you will find a list with all available credits offered by the banks, press take credit button.
92.How long till i have to pay my credit ?
Each bank determines on it’s own the period of time you have till due day. This period varies between 5 days and 30 days.
93.Is there a limit to the amount of money i can borrow ?
The credit you can contract is determined by your salary in the past X days, where X represents the duration of your credit. There are 2 more indicators that determine the
amount of money you can borrow. First is the debt degree and the second one is the limit imposed. both indicators are established by the government. Example : You are a citizen of country X where the debt degree is
250% and the limit imposed is 50 GOLD , you wish to contract a 10 days credit. In the last 10 days you made form your salary 25 GOLD, Theoreticly you could contract a credit of 250% x 25 meaning 62.5 GOLD, but
if the limit imposed by the government is 50 GOLD you won’t be able to borrow more .
94.When do i have to pay back a loan and how do i pay the interest ?
Credits are contracted for a period of time .The amount you owe is automatically withdrawn from your personal wallet , every day, if you have no money in your wallet your
balance will be negative.
95.How do i pay a loan ?
The amount of borrowed money will automatically be withdrawn from your wallet on due day of the credit.
96.Can i pay a credit in advance ?
Yes. A credit can be returned anytime you want. Go to Financial Reports & Accountant /Financial Assets / Accounts and press the return button, the credit will be payed
97.What happens if i don’t have enough money to pay for my credit ?
On due day the bank will automaticly withdraw from your wallet the money you owe. If you don’t have enough money to pay your balance will be minus the amount
98.Who governs a country ?
A country is governed by the elected president and 18 governers. Election is organized every month and will decide who gets to lead your country.
99.When do we have elections ?
Elections start on the 4 th of every month . Every 1,2,3 of each month is reserved for those who wish to apply for the office of governor/president.
100.Who can participate in the elections ?
Everyone can participate in the election process. All applicants can be independents ,support of a pollitical party is not required.
101.How do i take part in the elections ?
Every 1,2,3 of each month on the Presidency & Government page a link will become active where you can submit your application, wich will consist of 10 questions
related to the game . As soon as the form is sent , it can be reviewed and voted by other players.
102.How much will it cost to run for the governor/president office ?
There is a 5 GOLD tax required from all who wish to participate in the election process, the money wil go to the state budget.
103.How do i in crease my chances to win the election ?
Besides a logic and professional response written in your application , you can alway try to use the media and publicize your campaign.
104.What determines who wins the elections ?
The winners are determined by the number of votes they obtained from their voters. The player with the most votes is elected president. If the last candidates on the list
have the same number of votes , the winner will be decide by wellness.
105.What do i get if i’m elected ?
Beside the satisfaction of leading the country , governers have salaries wich can be established by vote.
106.What do i do as a governor ?
Mainly governors propose and vote laws . They also watch over the course of the economy and they interfere if a correction is necessary.
107.Where can i find the government administration interface ?
On the lower side of every page there is a link Government clicking on that link will activate the interface.
108.Im a governor how do i propose new laws ?
Go to the government page /pass laws , there you will fin listed all the laws you can propose.
109.Who can propose or vote laws ?
You can propose/vote laws only if you are a governor or the elected president.
110.Laws – Voting process
First step is proposing the law by a governor. All the governors and the president can vote for or against it within a period of 24 hours. The president vote counts as 5
governor votes. After 24 hours have passed the system decides if the law will pass or not. For a law to pass two conditions must be fulfilled . First condition is : the law must be voted by a minimum of 5 governors , the
second one is :the number of votes FOR must be greater then the number of votes AGAINST that law.
111.What are the president privilleges ?
The only difference between the president and the governors is his vote wich counts as 5 governor votes.
112.How do i resign from office ?
You can’t resign your office . You can refuse to participate in the government process but there is no way to resign from your seat in the government.
113.Where can i see what laws have been proposed ?
Go to Presidency & Government page/Legislation , there you will find listed all the laws waiting to be passed/rejected. you can comment on them , and you can also see
how each governor voted.
114.How many types of publicity are there ?
You can buy three types of publicity: Buy publicity in the game ; your commercial will be listed on the right side of the screen, buy publicity in your local newspapers ,
every article has two section for publicity, buy signatures.
115.How do i make a commercial ?
If you want to buy publicity in newspapers or on the game, you will need a commercial. To create a new commercial go to Advertisment/ My Spots/New Ad. You will need
to fill in the title, the description, the link and upload the image of your commercial.
116.Am i allowed to publicize outside products or external links ?
Publicizing outside products or external sites is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. The only links accepted are the ones from within the game.
117.Can i upload adult pictures in my commercials ?
Yes. You can upload adult pictures in your commercials and you can use commercial spots from the game, however you will need to check the "18 year old”
118.How do i modifiy or delete a commercial ?
Go to Advertisment/ My Ads, there you will find a list of your commercials . Press the Modify or Delete button. In order to delete a commercial it must not be
119.How do i buy publicity on the site ?
To buy publicity go to Advertisment , fill in the form and press OK . The form must contain the ad you wish to run , the number of clicks , price/click offered and the
countries where your commercial will be displayed.
120.What decides the order in wich ads appear on site ?
Commercials are listed exclusively by the price/click offered.
121.If a player clicks ten times on my add will i be charged ten times ?
NO. Clicks are taken into account only if the player hasn’t clicked your commercial in the last 24 hours. If a player clicks ten times on your commercial you wil only pay
for 1 click.
122.What price/click should i offer ?
The price you will offer/click will determine if your ad will be listed first , last or even not at all. To assess your price go to Advertisement/Ads/Active Ads , there you will
find the commercials already rolling. Fill in a minimum price to surpass the last offered price this will ensure you a spot .
123.How do i delete an ad that’s already running ?
Go to Advertisement/My Spots, there you will find a list with all your ads and their status. Press the delete button, you will receive a refund with all unspent
124.How do i modify an ad that’s already running ?
Go to Advertisement/My Spots, there you will find a list with all your ads and their status. Press the modify button, you can only modify the price/click offered. Set your
new price and press modify again.
125.How do i suspend an ad that’s already running ?
Go to Advertisement/My Spots , there you will find a list with all your ads and their status, press the suspend button and the add will no longer be listed on the
126.How do i buy publicity in magazines ?
Go to Advertisement/Magazine Ads , there you will find the available spots . Next to each spot you can find the number of hits for that ad in the last 10 days. Based on
these hits you can assess the traffick registered by the magazine. Press the buy button, you will have to upload the comercial that will be running and number of clicks. All magazine ads are payed with
127.Where in the article are my ads listed ?
At the end of each article of a magazine you can find two publicity spots. That’s where your add will be listed.
128.What is a signature ?
At the end of each comment you make you will have a link. That link is your signature, they can be used to advertise so you can rent them.
129.How do i buy signatures ?
To buy a signature go to Advertisement/Signatures , there you will a list with the signature being sold togehter with the number of posts made in the last 10 days by their
owners. More posts means more exposure. The sistem is pay/click. Price for a signature is determined by the owner. By pressing the buy button you will be asked to fill in the number of clicks you want.
130.I just bought a signature . How do i modify it ?
After the aquisition , the signature will become visible on the Advertisment page/My ads /Signature. There you will be able to see the remaining number of clicks. to modify
the signature click the modify button. you wil have to fill in a new text and a link.
131.How do i modify my own signature ?
To modify your signature go to Pics, profile & Inventory/Settings/Signature. Fill in the text and link fields and the price/click. If the price is set to 0 value it will mean your
signature is not for sale.
132.How do i sell my signature ?
To sell your signature go to Pics, profile & Inventory/Settings/Signature , fill in the price field with a minimum value of 0.01 , and your signature will be listed on the market
for sale. The price you set is per click.