So want to become a politician , well ..why not , i'll teach you all you need to know.
The world of Anno1777 is divided in countries governed by players who
become governers by vote.Each month (on 1,2,3,4 th) in every country
elections are organized. To run for office you will need to pay a 5 gold
fee and fill in a form , you can do that by selecting the Presidency
& Government page link wich will become active during the
As soon as the application is sent , people will be able to review it
and if they choose to even vote for you. This application will be a
mirror in wich other people can see who you are and what you are trying
to do for them so make it convincing. Another way to ensure your succes
is by using all media tools available , that includes advertising your
political campaign in the local newspapers or buying ads in the game.
The winners are decided by the number of votes each candidate
receives.The player with the most votes will become president , the rest
of the 18 candidates will become governors. If there is a tie score for
the last two candidates the system will decide who gets to be governer
by comparing their wellness, the one with the most wellness will win.
Once you become governor you will have acces to a special interface , to
acces that interface click on the link placed on the lower side of each
page called "Government” .
There you will be able to review any laws that you wish to
promote/propose. Keep in mind that for a law to pass the voting procces,
it needs to be voted by at least 5 governors and to have more people
voting in favour of the law then against it. To promote laws go to the
Government page link / pass laws section, there you will find listed all
the laws you can propose. Laws can only be voted by governors or by
the elected president , the president vote will count as 5 governor
votes. Each promoted law will be under scrutiny for a period of 24
hours, during this time the governors and the president can submit their
vote, if after 24 hours have passed the votes in favour are greater
then those against that law will pass and it’s effects will begin
A governor or a president can’t resign their office , they may choose
not to participate in the voting proccess of laws but they will be stuck
in the government until the next elections.To see the laws being
proposed go to Presidency & Government/Legislation , there you will
find listed all the laws waiting to be passed/rejected, you can comment
on them , and you can also see how each governor voted.
There’s a lot to say about politics in Anno1777 , just like in the
real world politic is messy , with power comes responsability and there
will always be people trying to use that power for their own personal
gain. Pass a law to raise taxes or vote for yourself a big salary and
people will probably hate you for it , it’s not easy being a governor so
choose wisely.