Who says i'm homeless, just so you know i have my own den.
You have finally decided that being homeless is not very pleasant or
maybe you wish to start your own real estate bussiness. Houses will
always be need it in the world of Anno1777, they wil always be
sold/bought or rented , being able to reside in a house can provide you
with great wellness and we all know what wellness means – more income .
Before you learn how to sell/buy/rent a house there’s a few things you need to know :
- A house is not degradable wich means it will last you forever
You can’t rent a house in another region
You need to reside in the house to receive your wellness bonus
The bonus from a house is not applied to your wellnes instantly but throughout a day’s period.
You can’t live in two houses at the same time
Depending on their quality, houses can provide the following wellness bonuses :
- 1 star - 5 points of wellness
2 stars – 10 points of wellness
3 stars – 15 points of wellness
4 stars – 20 points of wellness
To buy a house go to the Real Estate market tab and select the buy
house section,once there you will find listed all available houses in
your region and their price you can use the star rating system to select
the quality of the house you wish to buy , once you’ve decided click
the buy button you can buy as many houses as you want , people usually
buy more houses to rent them.
- To sell your recently purchased house go to Pics, profile &
Inventory/transport section , once there you will find listed all the
houses you have in that area , carefully fill in the price and click the
sell tab.
To rent a house go to the Real Estate tab and select the rent house
section , there you will find listed all available houses in your region
, fill in the number of days you wish to rent the house and click the
rent button. You can find your newly rented house by going to Pics,
profile & Inventory/transport section click the move in tab and
your done .
To rent your recently purchased house go to Pics, profile &
Inventory/Transport section , there you will find listed all the houses
you have in that area , carefully fill in the price/day dialogue and
click the rent tab.